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Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating

What Kind of Eating Disorders Do We Specialize in Treating?

We specialize in working with any type of eating disorder or disordered eating. We are the perfect fit for someone in need of outpatient treatment or for someone who has completed higher levels of care for their eating disorder.

The eating disorders we commonly see and work with include:

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia
  • Binge Eating Disorder 
  • Emotional Eating
  • Trauma-Related Eating Disorders
  • Restrictive/Avoidant Food Intake Disorder
  • Any other food-related disorder

What is Our Philosophy on Eating Disorder Treatment and Counseling?

At Empowerment Treatment & Counseling, we believe eating disorders are a maladaptive coping mechanism to deal with underlying concerns. We focus on body neutrality and always recommend our clients also see a specialized Registered Dietitian in eating disorders for the best treatment outcomes.

We do NOT believe in perfectionism or labeling of food as healthy, bad or good. We fully support  Health at Every Size, otherwise known as  H.A.E.S. We do not put primary focus on weight loss or gain, but rather the eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors.

If you’re ready to improve your life and your relationship with food, reach out to us today.