The Starvation Study

The Starvation Study: Please Read Full Article Above as our article will discuss it.


“THEY WOULD CODDLE [THE FOOD] LIKE A BABY OR HANDLE IT AND LOOK OVER IT AS THEY WOULD SOME GOLD. THEY PLAYED WITH IT LIKE KIDS MAKING MUD PIES.” Though this study was completed in 1944, its findings are still as poignant now as they were then. In modern society many men and women find themselves constantly concerned with “dieting” or restricting food, which is why this study is as salient as ever. The practice of restricting food hinders our lives and bodies in several significant ways. The Starvation Study article points out that the test subjects were observed to have obsessive behaviors, loss of sexual appetite, and dull moods as side-effects of the 1600 calorie a day diet they were put on. While this small amount of calories may have been associated with starvation in the past, it is worth noting that some modern diets prescribe even fewer calories for daily consumption. Even scarier were the behaviors observed once the rationed diet phase was over. Some participants began binge eating dangerously and many reported never feeling “normal” about food again.


This is a current issue because men and women are still starving themselves to achieve what they think is the “right” body type or shape. And the trade off? Quality of life suffers. Think of the happiness and freedom that a truly healthy lifestyle can bring about. Not from dieting or weight loss, but rather intuitively eating nutritious foods that feed your mind and body and even eating some foods just for fun. Don’t you love the amazing mood boost that comes from moving your body in an enjoyable way instead of just exercising to burn calories? It begs the question, is The Starvation Study, still going on today willingly for many people? We think so. We think it’s time that we all speak out against a diet industry that doesn’t work and in fact, brings about poorer mental health.


“Perhaps the most chilling correlation: the postponement of living. How often do we put off something until we’ve lost the weight? That familiar inertia is obvious. But what this study indicates is that it might not simply be our desire to wait for a thinner body to start dating, take that trip, or pursue a career goal. It may also be the hunger itself keeping us at home, alone and waiting.” Sources: